Of course, both aim to offload the RDBMS strong-hold in the enterprise by either
- Deflection (i.e. minimizing direct access to the RDBMS) - i.e. a proxy to the RDBMS or
- Avoidance (i.e. allowing for some types of data to not be stored in the RDBMS to begin with).
PURE-L2 Architecture:
Usage of L1-L2 analogies in distributed-cache literature stems from multi-level cache hierarchies described in CPU architectures - basically the L1 cache is local to your client application process and the L2 is an off-host/off-process manager of cache-data.
See this animated GIF -

As can be seen, whether the off-host process that manages the cache-data is MongoD or MemcacheD or Terracotta-Server, architecturally they all look equivalent - i.e. a pure-L2 with no-L1 - so that all data needs to be retrieved from over the network and then massaged into a POJO for consumption by the application. (FYI - I used these specific technology implementations as proxies for NoSQL and Distributed Cache since I have good familiarity with Mongo (Document Based noSQL), Terracotta-Ehcache and Memcache - given that we use these 3 technologies in our stack at Shutterfly).
Given the architectural equivalence here and our runtime-observations, one could argue that in a pure-L2 architecture, using No-SQL technologies seems like the way to go (especially if there is a requirement to view the data outside of the confines of the application's Domain Model - e.g MongoDB Shell). Or at least, drop them into the same pool of candidate technologies and map features as they relate to your use-case.
For us definitely, with Mongo-DB as L2, in certain use cases
- we observed good response times (see attached image)

- we could validate data manipulations expected off the application easily from the MongoDB Shell.
Although there was definitely the domain model/ BSON impedance mismatch to be overcome with Morphia annotations and APIs. For a comparison along some common dimensions, see the table below:
Dimension | MongoD | MemcacheD | Terracotta Ehcache |
Retrieval | BSON from MongoD that can be mapped via Morphia into a POJO | Serialized version from MemcacheD - that needs to be de-serialized via Java-Serializaton as a POJO | Object DNA from Terracotta Server - available at the application transparently as an Ehcache-Element. |
Latency (as seen by app) | 1ms - more | 1ms - more | 1ms - more |
Horizontal Scaling | Mongo Replica Sets (available in open-source) | Multiple MemcacheD (available in open-source) | Terracotta Server Cluster Array (not Available in open-source, in enterprise-kit |
High Availability | Mongo Replica Sets (available in open-source) | Not a good story - no HA available for MemcacheD (change to MemcacheDB but that has its own costs) | Terracotta Server Cluster Array (not Available in open-source, in enterprise-kit |
Query Expressability | Very good - see Mongo Querying and Advanced Querying | Key-Value lookup only | Key-Value although Ehcache 2.5 and onward now offer some search capability via searchability API |
Of course, there are use cases where cache access in the order of milli-seconds is a non-starter - you want cache-access in the order of mirco-seconds and hence if Network-hops and Impedance-mismatches can be avoided, you want to avoid them. A cache is about local data - and assuming your application has good locality characteristics, you want to exploit L1 caching and in such a case a L1-L2 architecture offered by some of the distributed cache implementations (Terracotta-Ehcache, Oracle-Coherence) or a bloated L1 architecture (Terracotta-BigMemory) could well be the way to go.
If you have experiences or comments on MongoDB (or other noSQL) and distributed cache usage comparisons, feel free to share them or comment.